Our Security Officer of the Quarter Award

On the day in question, Bruce was working at Westcott Venture Park, where he has been employed by us for over ten years and provides outstanding work for us and to our customer. During this shift, a male arrived at the barrier and claimed to have just murdered his family and had travelled from Luton to visit King Charles. Clearly this was not a situation that occurs daily on the park and one that needed quick thinking and a calm approach to avoid escalation.

Bruce managed to get the man to park his car and engage with him through the locked gatehouse where it became clear, very quickly, that he was suffering a mental health episode. His behaviour was erratic and Bruce ensured that calmness was maintained and no other people were put at risk. Whilst dealing with this, Bruce was able to alert the management team of Risk Management Security and Mick Stubbs and Aaron Pickering attended site immediately to provide support to both Bruce and our customer Lisa Himpson.

After several hours of talking and sensitivity, the emergency services arrived and the gentleman was able to receive professional help.

A big thank you to Bruce for his incredible work!!


Include home security in your holiday planning
Include home security in your holiday planning

Here at Risk Management Security, we offer a keyholding service that provides peace of mind while you're soaking up the sunshine. ☀️

Security officer of the quarter for Q1 of 2024
Security officer of the quarter for Q1 of 2024

Security Officer of the Quarter for Q1 2024 is Michael Mrzyglod for dealing with a profoundly serious first aid incident.

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