Security officer of the quarter for Q1 of 2024

Security Officer of the Quarter for Q1 2024 is Michael Mrzyglod for dealing with a profoundly serious first aid incident.

Michael works at a large storage facility in Oxfordshire and on the day in question a visitor to the site was moving a heavy cabinet from a vehicle when it fell causing a major break to her leg. Her husband was also with her and quickly went into a state of panic and shock. Michael became aware of the incident and quickly made his way to the stricken couple to help and impose a level of calm that was required to avoid further injury or distress. Using his wealth of knowledge, training and by adopting a composed approach to the situation, he was able to reassure them and deliver first aid whilst the emergency services arrived. The arrival of both Ambulance and Air Ambulance took two hours and during this period Michael remained with the couple, despite his shift having finished, and ensure they were cared for until medical help arrived.

It is clear from Michael’s actions that he prevented further harm and distress by controlling the situation from the outset and by ensuring his approach was appropriate and effective.
Outstanding work Michael!


Include home security in your holiday planning
Include home security in your holiday planning

Here at Risk Management Security, we offer a keyholding service that provides peace of mind while you're soaking up the sunshine. ☀️

The best audit for Q1 of 2024 award
The best audit for Q1 of 2024 award

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