The best audit for Q1 of 2024 award

We undertake penetration tests across all our sites which also incorporate an assessment of the Security Officer on duty. The best audit for Q1 2024 went to Olubunmi Alebiosu (Olu) who works for us at an Aerospace Company Head Office in Bicester.

Olu was confronted by a person posing as a British Gas engineer who had been called by the company to fix an emergency issue. Undaunted by the pressure applied by the person, Olu refused him access to the building and made the appropriate checks to see if he had legitimate reason to be on site.

It was established by Olu that he was indeed attempting to gain unauthorised access and Olu’s action prevented this. The auditor then undertook an assessment of Olu covering the following areas:
– Alertness
– Attitude
– Dress/Presentation
– Understanding of Duties
– On-Site Training
– SIA Licence
Olu scored 100% and combined with his actions to prevent unauthorised access was the worthy winner this quarter. Great work!!


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Include home security in your holiday planning

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Security officer of the quarter for Q1 of 2024
Security officer of the quarter for Q1 of 2024

Security Officer of the Quarter for Q1 2024 is Michael Mrzyglod for dealing with a profoundly serious first aid incident.

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