As a Small Business owner, will I EVER go on a worry-free holiday?

There are many rewards to being the owner of a Small Business Enterprise (SME). As the owner of the business, you are your own boss and can’t be fired. This means you have the freedom to make the decisions that are crucial to your own success. You can be creative and put your skills and knowledge to good use. You’ll gain personal satisfaction from implementing your ideas. You will also directly benefit from your own hard work.

Yet, whilst running your own business is no doubt very rewarding, there are a great number of risks to consider. As a business owner, you ARE the business. You must consider the competition, your employees, delegating responsibilities, the bills, potential equipment breakdowns and client issues to name but a few. There is also the issue of physical security.

Why would you NOT want a holiday?

People often start their own business so that they will have more time to spend with their families away from the traditional 9-5 grind. Unfortunately, running an SME is extremely time-consuming and many people find the exact opposite to be true.

Taking a holiday is something that many SME owners simply do not allow themselves the privilege of because they are scared of what will happen when they are away. They think that time away from the business is time lost and holidays are often overlooked.

Even if you can get away, most business owners leave their phones on and have their time away interrupted. This is harder to escape than ever these days with the constant intrusion of all the devices we carry around.

Is taking time off really worth it?

But taking a break is great for you. Time away from the office can reduce stress and therefore increase emotional stability and creativity. You come back from a really good holiday with increased motivation and therefore switching off once in a while is a great thing to do. You can also take the time to reconnect with the loved ones you work so hard to spend time with.

Getting away from the grind is a good thing for your mental wellbeing and also your physical wellbeing. As we get rundown, we become more susceptible to illness and infections. Taking time away from the hustle and bustle allows our immune systems to recover and help keep us healthier in the longrun.

So why don’t more SME owners take this time off? The stress of considering who will take care of the company when they are away and what will happen in an emergency rate highly among the reasons. Who will attend an emergency in your absence? Who will open and close the property in your absence?

Key Holding Solutions from RISK Management Security

A Key Holding Solution from RISK Management Services could be the answer to these concerns. We provide a comprehensive Key Holding Service, which means we can attend your property in the event of an emergency. This takes the stress out of keeping your business safe whilst you go away and recharge. Your SME couldn’t be in safer hands!

Through our own resources, we are able to provide a centrally managed Key Holding service with the major benefit of a local response vehicle to attend alarm activations.

We can provide a police approved key safe for your property to further reduce response times and ensure you are never locked out again. We can also provide locksmith services through our approved Lock & Key Centre. Special offers and discounts are also available to Neighbourhood Watch Scheme members in the Wycombe District and those in the Thames Valley.

Take the worry out of holidaying!

We also have a number of other Security Solutions that could help give you that all important piece of mind. So if you are an SME owner and need to book some time away, give us a call on (01494) 441 805 or email and enjoy the time off!

If a really good holiday is what you need to destress and be the best SME owner you can be, get in touch today and let us manage the security of your property. All that’s left for you to do is find the sunniest spot you can and get the drinks in!


Include home security in your holiday planning
Include home security in your holiday planning

On Friday 31 March we held our much delayed Christmas lunch where the award for Employees Employee of the Year was announced.

Security officer of the quarter for Q1 of 2024
Security officer of the quarter for Q1 of 2024

Security Officer of the Quarter for Q1 2024 is Michael Mrzyglod for dealing with a profoundly serious first aid incident.

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