Pharmaceutical Company in Oxfordshire

The Problem

We were approached by a large pharmaceutical organisation who presented us with their existing security requirements and their concerns over the current operation and supplier. We were tasked with designing a solution that would provide the correct level of manning for critical hours as well as integrating effectively with their facilities management team. 

The Solution

We designed a working pattern using both eight and twelve hour shifts which enabled us to provide an effective team of security officers who, through manageable hours, quickly became an integral part of our customer’s operation. It was equally important to inform our customer of the current challenges with recruitment, in particular, throughout Oxfordshire. Our extensive knowledge of recruitment in the area enabled us to propose and substantiate a high wage for the security team that we were confident would attract high quality personnel.

To support the security team, the customer needed to be confident that our Management were able to deliver both the service on the ground and meet their high expectations.

The Mobilisation

The mobilisation of the contract was over a three month period that we had requested to ensure a smooth transition and that all elements of implementation were completed correctly. We held an initial set up meeting with the customer to discuss all items on the mobilisation plan and their associated timescales, which included:

  • Contract Documentation
  • Recruitment
  • Interviews – we also involved the customer in these
  • Screening
  • Uniform – bespoke for our customer
  • Assignment Instructions
  • Risk Assessment
  • Equipment
  • Inductions – company, customer and on site
  • Training

Throughout the mobilisation period we held regular meetings with the customer to provide progress reports and recruitment updates.

The Result

The key to our success with this contract was the ability to get buy in from our customer at an early stage with regards to our recommendation for the wage rate required and the working pattern. We were able to provide other examples of similar operations that provided evidence to back up our proposal.

Ultimately, we were able to secure a high quality team of security officers with the approval of our customer and a roster that provides the team with suitable remuneration whilst offering a healthy work/life balance.

We have taken the service that our customer was dissatisfied with and created a high functioning security team supported by passionate Managers and Directors.

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